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Request Account Deletion

To request the deletion of your account, please follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the form on the left, selecting the appropriate deletion type.
  2. Provide your registered name, email, and phone number.
  3. Specify the reason for deletion in the message field.
  4. Enter the verification code shown in the captcha.
  5. Click "Submit Request".

Data Deletion:

When you request account deletion, the following data may be deleted:

  • Account information, including your name, email, and phone number.
  • Order details and transaction history.

Data Retention:

Some data may be retained for a specific period as required by law or for legitimate business purposes:

  • Personal data required for legal or accounting purposes may be retained for a specified period.
  • Anonymous or aggregated data used for analytics and reporting may be retained for longer periods.

Please note that certain data may be retained even after account deletion to comply with legal obligations or resolve disputes.